
out of 5
Average temperatures during the day in Reyðarfjörður.

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Articles about Iceland

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Image of Game of Thrones filming locations

Game of Thrones filming locations

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Game of Thrones was filmed across large parts of Europe and Northern Africa. From Jon and Ygritte's love nest in Grjótagjá, Iceland to THE walk of shame in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The TV series is an adap
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Image of Bucket list-worthy places in the Nordics

Bucket list-worthy places in the Nordics

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The Nordics is a beautiful region in Northern Europe consisting of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Iceland. These five countries are some of the world's safest, most peaceful, and most prosperou
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The 20 happiest cities in the world

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This is a list of the top 20 happiest cities in the world according the World Happiness Report which is based on data from 160+ countries. The Nordics and Oceania are heavily over-represented, but the
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