Average temperatures during the day in Lijiang.

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Articles about China

Image of Bucket list-worthy places in China
Image of Bucket list-worthy places in China

Bucket list-worthy places in China

December 2023,
China is a vast and diverse country, offering a plethora of unique experiences and breathtaking sights. If you're looking to add some destinations to your travel bucket list, look no further than Beij
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Image of The 30 best food cities in the world

The 30 best food cities in the world

November 2024,
This is a list of the top food destinations in the world based on the opinions of travelers from more than 100 countries. If you travel to eat, this is for you! It doesn’t matter if you are a foodie o
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Image of The 10 most expensive cities in the world

The 10 most expensive cities in the world

November 2024,
Money talks, and in these ten cities, it speaks the loudest. So which is the most expensive city in the world? According to the Global Wealth and Lifestyle Report 2023 by Julius Bär, the top ten prici
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Image of The best places to visit in January

The best places to visit in January

April 2024,
Many travelers eagerly anticipate the arrival of January. While some are looking for the beauty of the Northern Lights, or enjoying the best time for skiing, others aim to participate in vibrant cultu
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