Home to infamous UFO history, contemporary art museums, and the illusionary Bottomless Lakes State Park.
Welcome to Roswell, New Mexico, a city infamous for its connection to one of the most well-known UFO incidents in history.
Roswell's notoriety can be traced back to 1947 when an unidentified object crashed on a ranch north of the town. This event sparked widespread speculation and debate on the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Visitors interested in this event and its continuing influence should visit the International UFO Museum and Research Center. The museum offers a detailed look at the Roswell Incident, crop circles, UFO sightings, Area 51, and ancient astronauts. Exhibits include information on the Roswell Incident, crop circles, UFO sightings, Area 51, and ancient astronauts.
The Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art is a pleasant surprise with its modern pieces from local artists. There's also the Roswell Museum and Art Center where you can see works from Peter Hurd, Henriette Wyeth and more. Not only that, but the museum is also home to a recreation of Robert H. Goddard's rocketry workshop.
Being in New Mexico, Roswell is also a great starting point for exploring the natural beauty of the Southwest. The Bottomless Lakes State Park is only a few miles east of the city. It got its name from blue-green color which gave the illusion of great depth.
For food, expect plenty of authentic Mexican and New Mexican cuisine in Roswell. Local must-try dishes include green chile cheeseburgers or enchiladas.