Quy Nhon has great potential, but is under developed. If you like fresh, simple Vietnamese seafood, you'll find a lot of options. Don't expect a lot of western foods or fancy restaurants.
The entire beach is clear except 2 small cafes and it's easy to walk. Golf course up the coast for those who like it.
In a few years this may be a great beach location like other places in Vietnam.
Quy Nhon has great potential, but is under developed. If you like fresh, simple Vietnamese seafood, you'll find a lot of options. Don't expect a lot of western foods or fancy restaurants.
The entire beach is clear except 2 small cafes and it's easy to walk. Golf course up the coast for those who like it.
In a few years this may be a great beach location like other places in Vietnam.
Quy Nhon has great potential, but is under developed. If you like fresh, simple Vietnamese seafood, you'll find a lot of options. Don't expect a lot of western foods or fancy restaurants.
The entire beach is clear except 2 small cafes and it's easy to walk. Golf course up the coast for those who like it.
In a few years this may be a great beach location like other places in Vietnam.