
out of 5

Asmara is a city of unexpected beauty. At first glance, it seems to be a typical African city, with its chaotic streets and ramshackle buildings. But if you take the time to explore, you'll find a city with a unique and fascinating history. Asmara was founded in the late 19th century by Italian colonists, and the city's architecture and culture reflect its Italian heritage. The city is full of beautiful Art Deco buildings, and the piazzas are filled with cafés and restaurants serving Italian cuisine. Asmara is also home to a large Jewish community, and there are several synagogues and kosher restaurants in the city. Despite its chaotic appearance, Asmara is a safe and friendly city, and it's a great place to explore the unique culture of Eritrea.

Average temperatures during the day in Asmara.

What people say about Asmara


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