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Share where you have been with your own interactive map of the world.
Keep track of where you want to go with an interactive travel bucket list.
Humbo helps you find beautiful places that you will love. There are plenty of websites that help you decide how to get to a place and where to stay. Humbo helps you decide where to go in the first place.
Here you can read reviews of places like cities, towns, islands, and national parks by travelers from more than 100 countries. When you find a place that you want to visit, you can save it to your bucket list.
You can also rate places that you have been to and get recommendations for similar places to visit next. As a bonus, you will get a beautiful summary of your travels to date, with all the places you have visited highlighted on an interactive map.
We have collected 300,000+ places representing every country in the world. They can be explored on this website and in our mobile app.
Guess places, challenge your friends and discover new destinations around the world.