The 100 best villages to visit
The world's most charming villages uncovered. Based on 149,207 ratings by travelers from over a hundred countries. Explore historic towns and scenic villages loved by those who have walked their streets. Perfect inspiration for your travel bucket list!
Where to go in different parts of the world?
About Humbo
Humbo is a travel platform where people from more than one hundred countries rate places they have visited. A place can be a city, town, village, island, or national park. Travelers give an overall rating of the place and individual ratings for how they experienced the food, safety, people, public spaces, and value for money.
Humbo Top 100 places
Our Top 100 offers unique insight into which travel destinations people actually enjoy visiting (rather than which are most famous or popular). You will find some of the most well-known places in the world mixed with hidden gems. More than 300,000 places represent every country on the planet, so it is quite a feat to make it to the Top 100!
This Top 100 list shows the best places. There is also a Top 100 for the best countries.